Reduction of GHG Emissions from Feedlot Cattle
A component of greenhouse gas emissions contributed by agricultural activities includes the production of livestock. Within beef cattle operations, methane is released from cattle as a by-product of feed material digestion in the rumen as well as methane and nitrous oxide from manure storage and handling. The purpose of this project is to reduce direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from beef cattle associated with enteric fermentation, and manure storage and handling in feedlot operations. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in this project will be achieved by implementing various feeding strategies, feeding technologies, management practices and genetic improvements to improve feed efficiencies that result in a reduction in carbon intensity. All feedlot sub-projects have been in operation for at least 3-years prior to implementation of the emission reduction strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These practices, when employed, demonstrate quantifiable, verifiable emission reductions that are additional to the business-as-usual scenario, as defined by the quantification protocol.
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Fed Cattle v3.0 Feb 2016
None defined
141 Broxburn Boulevard
T1J 4P4
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