Lethbridge Organics Processing Facility Offset Project
The Organics Processing Facility diverts organic waste from Lethbridge`s landfill, and aerobically composts it. This prevents the organic matter from generating and releasing landfill gas into the atmosphere. Landfill gas contains methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas. By aerobically converting the waste to compost instead of anaerobically landfilling, methane release to the atmosphere is avoided.
Waste composted at the facility includes the organic portion of municipal solid waste, food wastes, forestry wastes, wood waste, and leaf and yard waste. This waste is collected by the City of Lethbridge Waste Collection trucks and by private haulers, public drop-off, and yard waste depots.
A Covered Aerated Static Pile method is used as it reduces the risk of odors, due to the greater ability to control temperatures within the piles, and helps eliminate pathogen contamination. A reversing aeration system is used in the primary bunkers. This alternates airflow direction through the pile, ensuring a more uniform temperature between the top and bottom of the pile, resulting in better temperature control, and reduced risk of pathogen survival. Additionally, the system discharges the captured exhaust air to biofilters, further reducing the risk of odors. The secondary bunkers utilize a positive aeration system, where air is supplied by a fan and flows from bottom to top, maintaining optimum conditions.
The finished product meets CCME Guidelines for Compost Quality and can be used in applications such as agricultural lands, residential gardens, horticultural operations, the nursery industry, and other businesses.
Aerobic Composting Projects
None defined
213044 Township Road 100
T1J 4P4
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There are no emission offsets for this project that have been serialized. Please contact the project developer or authorized project contact. |
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